Akin to Michaelpk I have an absurd amount of time sunk into the game, I dare not post cause the wife is within reading distance, and I average about 5-7 hours daily There's no sleep to be had but I manage
Anyway back OT......
Good on you fine sir, a little break is a grand idea. Was thinking about taking a break myself, got Metro last light myself and hopefully it lasts til the release of GTA5. I know it wont though, so my planed break may be cut shot
You play skyrim that much and still have time to have over 7500 posts on here?! That's pretty efficient.
One question: When the game is paused, does that still add to your total play time?
how the hell can you RP a female character?
It's easypeasy, I'm male and I can RP a female character, they never get married but still I can RP with em just the same as I can with a male character
It's no different then a boy playing with a Barbie
Wow, that makes Michael's time total all the more impressive then. I was thinking he often fell asleep while the game was on to amass that much time. I wish I had that much free time to sink into this game.
I'm taking a break too because my Skyrim doesn't work. I don't really feel like fixing it. I'm playing The Witcher 2 and Max Payne 3 at the moment
Why won't your skyrim work? That's awful !
I can go for long periods of not playing Skyrim but then I somehow get svcked back in. Usually because of new mods. I play it obsessively and I'll probably keep playing it until the next Elder Scrolls comes out. The TES universe is just so amazing.
Though a few nights ago, after playing all day, I suddenly realized what I was doing and a sadness came over me. I was literally living in a fantasy world. Rather being in Skyrim than in the real world. It's really not healthy and I'm trying my best to tone it down. Spending more time with my family, doing things around the house. But I just can't give up gaming. It might not be very productive but it's an important part of my life.
Some mods/mod updates messed it up... I don't feel like fixing...
I have been playing other Games inbetween Skyrim, and I know falling asleep with the Game running does add Hours to the total on Steam. My total is 4740 on Steam, but I do wonder how much of the total was Me sleeping