I recently bought Skyrim for the PC, and to my dismay have been plagued with a number of graphical glitches. Please note that these glitches occur on an unaltered, fresh steam install of the Skyrim Legendary edition, I have only installed mods in attempt to fix the below glitches (which they haven't), notably the unofficial patches.
The glitches make the shadows in the game spazz out in weird ways and flash on and off as I move, make the world map extremely blurry, mess up the fire fxs (the dragon in the beginning of the game literally looked like he was just blowing hot air....) and make the water almost completely clear (it would be invisible if not for the ripples).
I've managed to find solutions for the first two glitches, both involving editing ini files. However, solutions to the other problems have eluded me, most of the other reports with similar problems are very old. Posted solutions either involve links to no longer existing mods, or just plain don’t work in my case. Has anyone had problems similar to mine, and have any of you found a solution? I've been tearing my hair out searching the internet for solutions, and really just want to get to playing the game without my experience being ruined by these glitches.