[RELZWIP]Ace Illusion Spells Beta

Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:54 pm

Hello! I'm releasing this beta so I can gather more information about the mod that I may have overlooked. I'd also like it if you helped me out by pointing out bugs, over poweredness, aesthetic(sounds, display, meny etc) description faults, spelling errors and the lot. Remember, nothing is final and I am open to suggestions, just make sure you back them up.


I've added a batch file called acespells.txt which will be automatically added to your Skyrim folder. This is so it's easy for you to test out and report back here for any problems you may have run into. For those that don't know, open your console and type "bat acespells" and all the spells will be added.

There's around 13 spells so far. These are a few of them:

Coward > Starts to cower in fear.

Dominate > Makes a creature your ally.

False Ego > Your friend/follower feel a sense of pride and ego causing them to do more damage and take more. Can be used in a combo with rage to reduce the a small pack into one npc.

Hot weapon > A level 10 humanoid will think the weapon they're weilding is dangerously hot and drop it.

Infinite Loop > Causes dwarven machines to freeze up.

Silence > Makes a magic user think they've run out of magicka.

Suicide > Target becomes suicidal. Causes the target to cut itself and bleed out.

MAY require Dawnguard or DragonBorn DLC. I'll try to keep the finished product as DLC free but if I see an effect I like too much, it may require one of the dlcs.

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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:55 pm

Fantastic! I really like the "Hot Weapon" idea...but they all sound pretty cool :tops:

Will check them out in-game at the weekend.

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Philip Rua
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