who of you are pro thalmor..
it seems to me common opinion is thalmor are teh evil ones.
are you watching? have the events of skyrim been a historical simulation ?
are we in .. the new phasing?
Gods be praised
who of you are pro thalmor..
it seems to me common opinion is thalmor are teh evil ones.
are you watching? have the events of skyrim been a historical simulation ?
are we in .. the new phasing?
Gods be praised
I'm not really pro-Thalmor, they are invaders of a "country" so automatically they're the bad guys. And it's not like they're trying to make Skyrim better or anything, they just want the power and they forbid people to live their lives under their own rules (Talos worship). Therefore I think their the evil ones.
About the historical simulation, I'm guessing you're hinting at Nazi-Germany in WWII. There are definitely similarities and as everyone knows, apparently the Nazi's are the most evil thing that has evil thing that has ever existed. (I'm not judging any of that, there are a lot of others I might be able to add) But nowadays most of the big bad guys are based on WWII.
As for the "are we in...the new phasing?" I've got no idea what you meant by that
I would actually join up with the Thalmor if given the chance. dont really care about the nords and their talos statue. but yeah the Thalmor are just a means to an end, there is no reasoning with them.
Im not pro Thalmor but im pro Aldmeri Dominion. Elves should rule over their own lands thats how I see it and it is their right to have it. But the Thalmor are to radical and while the whole world ending thing is not proven its clear that they fight to rule over the whole continent. The good of their people dont matter to them
The Thalmor are nothing but a sham, but the Dominion is a noble goal that I hope will stick around after their rulers are put to dirt.
Arent the Thalmor just in the game to be hated ?
I've got no problems with the idea of an Aldmeri Dominion(and I think it adds more to the setting than a continent wide Empire) who rules the elven lands in the south. I do have a problem with the radical and extremist Thalmor being in charge of the Dominion.
Lots of people make conections between the Thalmor and real life peoples of over 70 years ago.
We are not allowed to discuss that here, so I will only say that I enjoy playing an Altmer who is disrupting the people who killed his parents, grand parents and all of his children, because he is not "pure"...
The dominion itself's not so bad. They mostly kept to themselves back when they were around. The thalmor don't.
I wouldn't mind a dominion controlled tamriel, only a thalmor one.
I'm against any one empire controlling Tamriel, be it Mer and Man-made. I'd prefer the Dominion to stay and the human nations to be independent, or maybe have some sort of alliance. Or the Dominion can take control over Cyrodiil(non-Thalmor preferably), but meet with too heavy resistance on all fronts to be able to expand into Skyrim, Hammerfell, Morrowind, Black Marsh or High Rock.
I meant are the events of Skyrim a historical simulation of the Thalmor have already won. We are but waiting for the next expanse of their inception to become clear to us. In this case, the NEW PHASING, is our doom already upon us.
W H O A. what utter oblivion upon us we can not distinguish or inherit any trancendance above this fate.
only svckled to their teets as they allure us into a false gaze of triumph. only breaking our backs and minds on the path of facing this audacious horror.
Can.. Alduin be salvation?
I'm just interested in seeing an anuic take on an empire in action. We've had the padomaic aligned one for some time now.
I support the Aldmeri Dominion with or without thalmor, but I prefer a lot more without Thalmor.