Scriptname zzRehnMQ1LeaveNote Quest Property zzMQ1RehnsIsland Auto Event OnRead() if (zzMQ1RehnsIsland.GetStage() == 20) zzMQ1RehnsIsland.SetStage(30) zzMQ1RehnsIsland.SetObjectiveDisplayed(30) Debug.Trace("Quest should advance") else Debug.Trace("Has been triggered, no quest advance.") endifendEvent
This is the code I have for a simple note lying on a table. I want it to advance a quest to stage 30. But only if it's already at stage 20. Otherwise it should no continue. However, the if statement doesn't even seem to fire since none of the debug messages pop up. It's probably something very simple that I seem to miss. But I just can't figure it out. Any help from you pro's out here?
Thanks in advance!
- Rehn