I tried the second savefile (the one where you were in a town at night, no enemies nearby) and fast travelled with no problems. Which is the savegame in question? FYI, whatever file has the names of the saved games was not included so I'm just loading games titled things like "<9" and "#<@".
Either try reinstalling Arena or I could fast travel to your desired location and send back the save, if you want. That may work. :shrug:
P.S. For future reference, the files needed for Arena savegames are the files that end in .00, .01, .02, etc. All the .00 files make up the save game at the top slot, .01 files make up the second, etc.
I had problems with every save, though more specifically I guess I was using save nr. 3 or something, all of the saves are of the same character, but I think nr. 3 from the top was the last one. If you look at the file attributes, you should see which one is the latest.
I'll try to reinstall it later, and see what I find out.
Grabbed the saves, deleted the folder with all it's contents, reinstalled, replaced the saves, and nothing...
If you could travel to Rihad and send it back I'd be grateful, just use the city night save.
Fixed the saves link (same fix as previous post).