I managed to keep some Jaran root and combined it with a Falmer ear and came up with this beauty. I didn't have any perks in Alchemy but did have 4 maxed alchemy enchantment slots. Anyone else made one of these?
I managed to keep some Jaran root and combined it with a Falmer ear and came up with this beauty. I didn't have any perks in Alchemy but did have 4 maxed alchemy enchantment slots. Anyone else made one of these?
I don't have any DLC so if that is where Karstaag is, can't do that. I am thinking I will save it for a Dragon if she ever starts the MQ. Maybe Alduin in the final battle.
That should knock off over half his health points.
If you make that potion with more perks in Alchemy, it's even more powerful.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY6soRoTQos also found a very strong poison.
Yeah, I can't tell what that poison actually does if anything, maybe he is just good with a bow. There is another video on there where someone shows making a jarrin root potion.
That poison was 980 damage which is quite hefty.
The Jarrin Root is the key to this poison. It's given to you by the Dark Brotherhood during the end-stages of the questline. The thing about Jarrin Root is that it's Damage Health effect is 100 times stronger than a standard Damage Health effect, so any Damage Health poison containing it is obviously going to be incredibly powerful. In fact, with an Alchemy skill of 100, 5 ranks of Benefactor, and the Poisoner perk, the resulting poison will do 3000 damage.
All of this, however, is countered by the fact that there's only one Jarrin Root in the game, so you can only use it on a single target once (twice if you use the Concentrated Poison perk); after that, you can't make the poison again. So choose your target for it wisely.
More specifically, what exactly do you expect to accomplish with this completely overpowered WMD?