Is there any set location for the Banish Enchantment?
Seems random to me, I've read some threads were people swear by the fletcher in Solitude (I cant remember his name) once you get to the proper level.
Also if you don't want to level smithing just enchant whatever you find in dungeons.
Depends on the RP of the character, most of my characters can't afford a house til lvl 15 ( if buying Breezehome) or 25 if anything, but the house in Solitude ( only my assassin has bought it) at lvl 35.
They usually have a carry limit, depending on who they are. So carrying every armor piece and weapon out of a ruin won't happen. So selling found potions ( or makeing them IF they can) enchanting. Smithing by my "rules" takes to long to do for money, except sharpening blades or "repairing" armor. Chopping firewood, farming, picking ingredients along with selling loot are my characters big money earners.
It's how I play and I have fun with it.
That is sooo anoying, but almost true to life. Not all, but alot of the ppl you see "begging" on street corners, probably make more money in a day than alot of us. I used to watch a guy "beg" on the corner half the day, then drive off in a brand new caddy. I know he made more than I did at the time. Even guessing at $1 average per person, he was makeing $20 to $30 an hr.
I know for a fact know that Silda the Unseen in Windhelm is rolling in dough, I've paid her upwards of 10,000 septims or more just for pickpocket training. She fakes it well though.
Mage character - enchant
Warrior character - smithing
Thief character - alchemy
I try to stick to that formula.
Start out wondering "how will I get enough money to afford anything?"
Loot during the first few quests, complete the quests. Find I have a few thousands. Blow that all off on who knows what and then start to work in all 3 crafting skills. Sell my valuable potions, sell my enchanted weapons and armor. Get a lot of lv 100 stats, Have insane weapons and armor, so many sellables stored in my cheap house that I don't have the vendors to sell them to (considering to reverse pickpocket more money into shops) Rack up over 100k and then realize... well I really don't NEED to buy anything anymore... and what I do want is typically under 1k and I will use it to make about 5k or more. That is where my goal of "buy all houses in skyrim and decorate them entirely." came in.
I still have about 1Mils worth of enchanted legendary daedric items, and all the other stuff I made will leveling. And enough material/ingredients to make a bunch more. I really need to just reverse pickpocket say... 20k into one of my frequent merchants, and sell stuff by the ton.