I don't know why, but I'm having a terrible time with making keys and making them work properly. I've a relatively small list of problems with this. In increasing order of complication:
- First off, I have no idea where to find the base key textures. I have tried everything to find them, and researched every help site on the internet, but nothing was to be found. This is not entirely essential for the function of the keys (as far as I can tell) but it would look much neater with textures. So much as a suggestion as to where to look would be helpful!
- Second, my key, despite being registered to the door (I have quadruple-checked this), will not unlock the door. It is the door into the Hall of Valor, and theoretically, that door cannot be unlocked by conventional means, and even with a key. I have, again, done my research, and there was disappointingly little information on this topic. Any help for this would be fantastic!
- Finally, I need a single-use key. It is simply a part of a much larger mod involving an uber-powered, epic enemy and a series of over-powered sets of armor and weapons, but it is entirely necessary for this to work. I have prepared four different sets of armor in four separate chests, while the creature drops the key to these chests (along with the one listed above), and I need some way for the key to only work once, leaving all but one chest locked and thus inaccessible.
- I have attempted to use the destruction data to cause the key to destroy itself, but that failed after everything I tried. I attempted to research how the destruction data actually operated, but, again, there was disappointingly little information on the topic.
- I have considered some form of alternative way to gift the armor to the player, but every other way seems unnecessarily complicated.
- Any help on this topic or an alternative for this would be highly appreciated!
Again, I would like to thank you for reading and for your help in advance!