Yesterday I deleted my level 59 Bosmer because I got too bored with him, even though I haven't completed any of the main questlines. I wanted to try myself with a mage character. The rules with this guy is : no crafting. So that means no free spells in Destruction and similar stuff. Oh and no legendary skills for pumping up levels (maximum level that this character would reach is about 60 I reckon). I am playing with double damage to me and normal to enemies (custom difficulty mod). I made similar thread about this playstyle before and now I'm encouraged to give it a go, but before I do I need some advice :
Should I go with Breton + Lord Stone + 2 Magic Resistance perks (for 85 Resist Magic with Agent of Mara and 350 Armor), or :
High Elf + Atronach Stone + Atronach Perk + Miraak's Gloves and Boots (For 90 Spell Absorption).
I read somewhere that Miraak's Gloves and Boots don't interfere with Mage Armor perk, can someone confirm this?
High Elf would have +100 Magicka, while the Breton would have +50 Armor and +50% regenerate Magicka.
Also, my element of choice would be Fire, because it is the most cost effective, with just a few creatures with resistance to it.