Someone mentioned making a thread here, so:
=== Description ===
Some male khajiit and argonian heads + a few custom meshes.
Note: They don't blink, so don't use as NPC head if that bothers you.
I made this one due to a lack of male variety in my old pack (on PES). This also features mismatched eye-color options on some of the khajiit (as requested), and some higher quality textures.
=== Contents ===
10 Male Khajiit Heads
5 Male Argonian Heads
Please see readme for permissions and credits.
As for other things:
1. I've figured out how to get the head animations working in Blender, but don't know whether a tutorial is needed on that.
(I wrote one up and can release it if there's a need for that.)
2. This pack was released before that. So, from here I could:
a. Animate this pack (which could take quite a while unless I only do blinking anims),
b. Work on a vanilla-style head replacer pack, OR
c. Make a new, maybe higher quality pack.
(No guarantees on any of those, but I like to release meshes just in case someone else would pick it up.)