I loved the original http://download.fliggerty.com/download--35 by Fliggerty, but there were a few things that bothered me, so I decided to tweak it a bit. Here are the results of that. Let me know what you all think.
This mod adds a scroll to your inventory called "Progress Notes." It contains a list of all skills, and how much each one has increased since you last leveled up, as well as tells you the totals of the skills as they relate to a stat and the total skill points increased overall. The skills in this version are grouped by the stat they belong to such as Strength. I have also tried the best I may to make the numbers into a column, sadly the game do not support such things well. Included is a version tweaked a little bit for those who use http://download.fliggerty.com/download--876 by Hrnchamd. This archive is Wrye Mash Installers friendly.