Blood bank! Denied....

Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:32 pm

So I adopted some snotty kid out of the orphanage with the express wish to send him back to my house and there have a ready supply of blood to sate my vampyric thirsts....

All good so far - the less than responsible lady in charge of the orphanage merely wanted to know what I do for a living and where I'll house the little bleeder once I adopt him - and she's happy with me saying I'm Dragonborn and that I at least have a house. Social services will need to hear about her.

Great - sign the papers and adopt the mewlng brat. Get back to my abode in Solitude and ah, there he is, my new permanent blood bank. I wait for the little [censored] to turn in, at 1.30am (gonna have to speak to him about that) and creep up all quiet-like to his bedside, ready to feed on the plump little fellow.

And then.... I can't feed on him! Sneak doesn't give me the option... I would never have adopted this annoying child had I not thought I would be gaining a convenient and permanent blood supply!

Is there anyway I can make good my purchase and feed of this little bloodsvcker?! He is ugly too.

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Sophie Payne
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Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:07 pm

Can't do anything that harms kids, period, unless on pc with mods. Shame on you!!

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:42 am

Discussing the harming of children is not allowed.
Bethesda isn't going to make a game where that is even a gameplay option.

There are many other ways to feed on blood in Skyrim.

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