Script Request for TESVEdit?

Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:10 am

I was wondering if someone could help me?

I've been looking at the existing scripts in "Apply Script" in TESVEdit, but can't make heads or tails of how they work, or what I need to do to make the Script I want work...

I was wondering if anyone who knows about these things could explain/write a script for me that would alter the Value, Weight, Armor Rating and, if possible, Armor Type automatically? Since KeyWords can be added, it seems like this should be possible, but... I could be asking for something not do-able?

Any help would be great...

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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:22 am

I've been trying to modify the "Export/Import Weapons Data" script included with TESVEdit, and I've managed to get this far :

{  Export and import weapons stats from *.csv files.  Right click and apply script to selected weapons, weapon group,  plugin or several selected plugins.}unit UserScript;var  slWeap, slValues, slLookup: TStringList;  DoExport: boolean; function Initialize: integer;var  i: integer;  dlgOpen: TOpenDialog;begin  Result := 0;   // select Export or Import mode  i := MessageDlg('Export [YES] or import [NO] weapons stats from file?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel], 0);  if i = mrYes then DoExport := true else    if i = mrNo then DoExport := false else begin      Result := 1;      Exit;    end;  // strings list with weapons data  slWeap := TStringList.Create;  // list used to divide imported values  slValues := TStringList.Create;  slValues.Delimiter := ';';  slValues.StrictDelimiter := true; // don't treat space as a delimiter  // lookup list to find formids when importing  slLookup := TStringList.Create;   if DoExport then begin    // Export: add columns headers line    slWeap.Add('FormID;Name;Value;Weight;Armor Rating;Armor Type');  end else begin    // Import: select file name to import from    dlgOpen := TOpenDialog.Create(nil);    dlgOpen.Filter := 'Spreadsheet files (*.csv)|*.csv';    if dlgOpen.Execute then begin      slWeap.LoadFromFile(dlgOpen.FileName);      // remove the first header line      if slWeap.Count > 0 then slWeap.Delete(0);      // create lookup list (just to speed up the import process)      for i := 0 to slWeap.Count - 1 do        slLookup.Add(Copy(slWeap[i], 2, 8));    end;    dlgOpen.Free;    // nothing to import    if slWeap.Count = 0 then begin      slWeap.Free;      slValues.Free;      Result := 1;      Exit;    end;  end; end;function Process(e: IInterface): integer;var  i: integer;begin  Result := 0;   // process only weapons, skip other records  if Signature(e) <> 'ARMO' then    Exit;   if DoExport then begin    // use square brackets [] on formid to prevent Excel from treating them as a numbers    slWeap.Add(Format('[%s];%s;%s;%s;%s;%s', [      // FixedFormID depends only on explicit masters and not affected by plugin's load order      IntToHex(FixedFormID(e), 5),      GetElementEditValues(e, 'FULL - Name'),      GetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Value'),      GetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Weight'),   GetElementEditValues(e, 'DNAM - Armor Rating'),   GetElementEditValues(e, 'BOD2\Armor Type')         ]));  end else begin    i := slLookup.IndexOf(IntToHex(FixedFormID(e), 5));    // we have a values to import    if i <> -1 then begin      // split string by ";" char      slValues.DelimitedText := slWeap[i];        // uncomment if you want to import names        SetElementEditValues(e, 'FULL - Name', slValues[1]);        SetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Value',  slValues[2]);        SetElementEditValues(e, 'DATA\Weight', slValues[3]);        SetElementEditValues(e, 'DNAM - Armor Rating', slValues[4]);  SetElementEditValues(e, 'BOD2\Armor Type', slValues[5]);    end;  end;end;function Finalize: integer;var  dlgSave: TSaveDialog;begin  Result := 0;   if not Assigned(slWeap) then    Exit;     // save export file only if we have any data besides header line  if DoExport and (slWeap.Count > 1) then begin    // ask for file to export to    dlgSave := TSaveDialog.Create(nil);    dlgSave.Options := dlgSave.Options + [ofOverwritePrompt];    dlgSave.Filter := 'Spreadsheet files (*.csv)|*.csv';    dlgSave.InitialDir := ProgramPath;    dlgSave.FileName := 'weapons.csv';    if dlgSave.Execute then      slWeap.SaveToFile(dlgSave.FileName);    dlgSave.Free;  end;  slWeap.Free;  slValues.Free;  slLookup.Free;  end;end.

It correctly exports all of the data into a spread sheet, but on trying to import it, nothing happens... Does anyone have any idea/advice?

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