Random CTD's. Mod incompatibility?

Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:57 pm


Just started a new game hoping that would stop the CTD but it didn't. I've cleaned the mods, bash patched it as well, BOSS says no problems.

I'll try to shorten my mod list, but I'd like to find out what the problem is.

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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:19 pm

You've got some mods placed after your bashed patch - did BOSS place them there on purpose, or did it just not recognize them? If they weren't recognized then you need to place them by hand, next to mods that do similar things, and tag them appropriately for your bashed patch if applicable.

How did you install your mods? Is it possible you have leftover loose assets (particularly edited vanilla scripts) in your data folder left by other mods that you have since uninstalled?

Are you up-to-date with SKSE?

When you say you cleaned the mods, you didn't clean any mods that *shouldn't* be cleaned, did you (such as the USKP)?

What are your system specs?

Is it possible that you're hitting the 3.1gb RAM limit?

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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:16 pm

1. Yes, bash put them there, I didn't mess around with it.

2. I used NMM to install and uninstall. I can't be too sure about the second part but I don't think anything NMM would leave anything behind.

3. Yes.

4. I only cleaned mod with added assets like the quest mods.

5. 4gb Ram, 2gb Vram, i5 2500k

6. I don't think that's possible since I started a new game and exited 1 cell into Windhelm, attacked a few people for a test, ran around a bit and then it eventaully CTD.

Thanks for the quick response!

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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:06 pm

I just took another look, and I'm pretty sure it didn't place them there on purpose - I'm pretty sure your illusion mod is too new for BOSS to recognize it, plus it doesn't make much sense for them to be placed after tha bashed patch. Try placing them earlier in your load order next to similar mods according to the BOSS masterlist.

It shouldn't leave any stragglers, but I've seen earlier versions of NMM do just that - have a look in your data directory and have a look in the scripts folder, see if there's anything that shouldn't be there.

That should be more than enough considering your modlist.

Have you ever messed with your ini file? May be worth deleting and letting the game autoregenerate.

How random is your CTD? One thing that cleaning your mods won't do is repair navmeshes - with worldspace edits these can conflict quite easily - BOSS will notify you of these, but only if they've been reported to the BOSS team by other users...you could always load up TES5Edit and have a look and see if you notice any navmesh edits that could be causing problems.

If all else fails, try a binary troubleshoot - turn off half your mods, start a new game, and test. If it still CTDs, deactivate half again, and so on, until you find the culprit.

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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:40 pm

1. Sorry about that, rookie mistake.

2. There's quite a lot in the script/sorce file. I take it those are meant to be there. I don't recognise a lot of the scripts as they are named poorly. For example: Sound, stringutil, perk, form, actor. Those are the .pex files. How do I know which to delete?

I have messed with my ini file but only to change small things like the FOV.

Some what random. Usually while in a battle and I'm running around trying to avoid multiple enemies. They usually have a spell effect on them(before I started a new game). But I can point out one that occurs everytime. I just reinstalled Race Menu again. I alter the race and then I click on the next option and CTD. Uninstalling Race Menu now of course, but I don't know what's conflicting or what seems to be the problem.

I've done the binary troubleshoot before, the weird thing is when I repeat the test it doesn't end up with the same result. It might have something to do with the scripts thing you were talking about.

I decided to uninstall every mod and reinstall Skyrim from scratch. I'll report back when everything is installed.

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Alister Scott
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:19 am

That seems to be a good starting point.

Don't worry about the source scripts - only the compiled pex files are used in-game. I think it's mainly the CK download that adds the loose source files.

I think it's probably stretching things to blame the scripts, but I've learned to never discount anything!

Loose pex files to do with the interface are probably from SkyUI, but I'm not sure about the others. If you're unsure, try using NMM to uninstall (not just deactivate) all your mods, and if there are any loose pex files there after uninstalling, you know they're stragglers. For example, if you were using earlier or beta versions of the Immersive Creatures updates, you may have loose files that weren't removed when you updated to 6.1.1, and which may conflict with the latest release. Probably best to deactivate all mods, manually remove all remaining loose pex files, and install your mods again in a binary fashion until you get things working again.

I'm not sure how your fast respawns mod works, but Immersive Creatures also has an MCM option to randomize cell reset, and as your fast respawn mod appears to be merged into the bashed patch, it may be trying to override any SIC settings. Maybe something else to look into.

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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:06 pm

Alright, so I uninstalled then reinstalled everything(+more mods) and it's been fine for around 45 minutes. I'm not sure what the problem was but it seems to be fine now.

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Elea Rossi
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