Falskaar Mod Trouble

Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:27 am

I've come across a few problems. The major one right now however, is where I have to rescue the Jarl's family. We get to them and he claims he gives me a key, but nothing happens, I don't even get a key. I'm stuck in the convo and can't exit.

When I disable him temporarily, everyone goes into attack mode, one of the guys rushes to another door and nothing happens. I have to console unlock the left door and when I go upstairs, I find myself up a ladder and nothing happens when I'm outside. I just see the quest marker hovering there.

I've disabled any mods that may potentially conflict, and nothing changes. I'm really enjoying this mod and would love to continue through it. If it's too much trouble to figure out what's going on, would it be possible to know the quest IDs so I can skip over this section, having already rescued the family anyway?

I had an earlier issue with the guy they were interrogating in town as well (he just stood there), I don't mind starting there if it's easier, but the quest targets would probably really help move things forward without too much trouble.

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jenny goodwin
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