I am looking for help in creating a new character for a new playthrough. I've so far created 20+ characters but wanted to get my fellow forum members' help in doing something different and/or totally new and interesting. Ive read through the different character creation/classes on The Skyrim Blog, and while there are some cool ideas there, nothing really stood out to me enough to try to duplicate.
So, anyone have any cool character creation ideas/archetypes for role play for a new play through? Keep in mind, that I am really COMPLETELY NEW to role playing games (other than Skyim) as I am normally a HARD CORE COD player.
Some of what I have already tried or are not interesting in playing:
Necromancers - my preferred character build.
Pure Mages - created several of these already.
Sword and Board - been there and done that with 2 characters
2 Hand Warrior - done that with two characters
Assassin - done that
Illusion mage - I find illusion to be boring as hell.
Archer - recently tried this with a couple of characters, have one active right now who is an archer/thief with the Dawnguard.
Paladin - have a paladin type build going on right now, but it seems kinda boring because they typically dont do the fun stuff like the Daedric quests so it makes for a boring character after a while. Cant go far in Companions, cant join the Dark Brotherhood, cant become a Nightingale, etc.
Passive - this doesnt seem to make any sense at all.
This kinda sums up all the potential characters one can be in the game. But Im sure there are some great creative types here who can give me some ideas for a new play through.