A Challenge for those who find Legendary easy

Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:22 pm

I had recently been messing around in Legendary more and although it is more of a challenge, I found it more of a combat challenge, which with good skills in dodging is easily avoidable. I decided to make a challenging way to play that adds challenge to more than just combat, though makes combat harder than dodging (or tanking) and for many people using the Level Up full heal.

The Challenge is as follows, with several optionals:

Difficulty set to Legendary

-HUD is invisible

-No Level Up healing (at least during combat/with knowledge of nearby enemies)

-No Faster Traveling -optional-

-No crafting skills (improving is considered crafting) -optional-

-No Daedric Artifacts -optional-

-No using the map and journal features -optional to either or both-

-Skills leveled must match given race (unless race picked is solely unrelated to skills. In which case pick a general class (thief, warrior, mage, spellsword, etc.)

-No leveling of skills outside given class (warriors cannot using thieve perks or mage perks, etc.)

-If playing for racial stats, level only ones with racial bonus (exceptions Bretons and Argonians, as Argonians have no racial bonuses in damage dealing perks, and Bretons are only in Conjuration (which I say allows it to have a more primary combat if prefered. - suggested one handed or destruction-)

-Another Exception is allowing shields and blocking for one handed warriors

-Perk spent in the skill leveled upon Leveling Up -optional- (I also understand it can be unclear say between armor and weapon, or healing and armor, etc. as both can occur at the same time.)

-Warriors must be devoted to a sole type of weapon (few a well trained in both a mace and a sword as an example)

-Mages must be devoted to a sole destruction type -optional-

-No Thu'ums except for when needed. -optional- (Alduin on TotW, Odavhing, Greybeards training, and Clear Skies are exceptions)

-Only spellswords can use enchanted items -optional-

-Only thieves (more so assassins) can use poisons

-No followers, unless required during quest.

--NO EXPLOITS (Dawnstar chest/Duplicate Glitch/Any Speed leveling, etc.)

-No werewolf/vampire -optional-

-Vampire optional: Must progress to Lv 4 and stay there.

Carrying Capabilities:

-No more than one set of armor (equipped)

-No more than 5 potions -optional- (raise a bit is you wish)

-Equipment for warriors include and do not exceed

~One Primary Weapon (unless devoted dual wield)

~One Shield -if primary is NOT a two handed/dual wield-

~One Dagger (typically for those without the tight skill restriction)

-Equipment for Archers include

~One Bow

~50 arrows (maybe 100)

~One Dagger (helps for the more stealthy (eg. Khajiit))

-Gold Carried cannot exceed 500 (--1000) -optional- (unless purchasing something more expensive ( a house)

-Armor must be purchased from blacksmith, as must weapons -optional-

-Must follow paths whenever possible

-Can only save to quit (--When resting in an OWNED bed (therefore Inns/house)) -option though a key to challenge-

-Cannot open menu/quick menu during combat -optional- (as the pause and heal with potions reduces challenge) ---I'd recommend reserving a quick use slot for potions (you likely won't many other uses for it)

-Scrolls fall under magic users only

-No more than 30 lockpicks (originally had it set to 10)

-No more than 30 weight from accumulated misc.

-No waiting

That is about it, May apply Realism effects if desired (sleep schedule, eating habits, etc.)

I've only briefly started it myself (got to whiterun did a clear out of a bandit holdout) and I do find it more challenging, as I typically go much more prepared with large amounts of potions, more loose skill allowance, a HUD, and more freedom of enchantments and such. Not to mention the no save unless quit/owned bed makes you really want to sleep. Since selling things is highly limited. If anyone does try it out, I wouldn't mind some feedback.

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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:34 pm

It seems unusual that with all these rules the one thing you'd leave in is being able to spam potions from a hotkey.....which is arguably more overpowered than anything

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:52 pm

The game doesnt pause so you could be killed just as you go to drink a potion. Hotkey potion spamming isnt OP especially if you have 5 or less.
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