Ainoa was just out of her teens when she found herself locked in a room with three very powerful and bad people and a not so helpful mage who only respawned and died instantly and repeatedly, on a mission to acquire an amulet for Martin (MQ). As a non warrior this is how that battle went: run up stairs and heal, jump down attack nearest antagonist run up other stairs and heal, jump down attack, rinse repeat until target antagonist was separated from group attacked and finally defeated and Ainoa acquired the amulet. Sounds simple and easy but this took almost an hour (my time) and when done it was a put down the controller and get the cramps out time. This type of battle is where your commitment to your RP rules is put to the test. To say I wasn’t tempted would be a lie but I held out and it was one of the proudest and most satisfying battles to date. Ainoa relies on daggers, bows, potions, and magic to survive (lvl9) needless to say she ran out of pretty much everything in the first few minutes and her magic was pretty much restricted to healing. I think the only reason she even survived this battle is her main talent is speed, she can pretty much out run anything on the map except the mountain lion, and I think that got the NPCs very unorganized after a while. This would be my choice for filming just for the comic relief alone (very three stooges).
After MQ Ainoa wore the emperors light armor for a short time (lvl11) because it was free but found it slowed her down and also like most young people never seemed to have enough funds so sold it to upgrade her weapons etc. she has finally (lvl18) developed enough strength to use a short sword but she still carries a dagger for dungeon fighting.
And for those who viewed my "murderer" post Ainoa accidently grabbed something from a shops counter got arrested and had to pay a fine, she was all out of sorts over this, until she figured it was a lesson learned.