I am a male and i havent had one of these characters,But then again,I have only been married with one character,That feauture dont interest me that much
I am a male and i havent had one of these characters,But then again,I have only been married with one character,That feauture dont interest me that much
I cant either. Every male character I make marries a female. Every female character I make marries a female.
Been there, done that -three times in a row, over 4 level 81 characters, pre-patch 1.9. Deleted the previous characters and settled down to a spellsword, whom I brought to level 200 and stopped. Every subsequent character was out of boredom.
For your info, you can't complete Skyrim. It generates radiant quests every 2 days. All you can do, is leave it aside.
It only has so many -but after 2 ingame days, they pop back in
How did I do it? The unhealthy way
Not really. At times it felt like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr8hf_JXuhk -without the "bucket" ofcourse
I have seen and done everything in this game (Skyrim is not that big), except Hearthfire but that doesn't count and Legendary dragons and the Ebony warrior. I have no interest in grinding, glitching or cheating to get to level 81 as it is pointless and dragons are just dragons. I doubt I will see anything that I have not seen already other than a name tag.
But to do everything with 1 character, ewww. I have one character with 150 hours level 49 that has done every quest except the guild questlines. The save can't be any more boring to play. There is no more progression. The character is done. New characters to see the game from a different point of view. That's all that is left to do.
I won't argue, there is lots of grinding involved -on the other hand, there are enough quests to ease the effort for at least one legendary reset. Glitching and cheating, no -not necessary at all.
You complete a few radiant quests, you basically complete all of them. The OP is done, nothing new or interesting to find.
Quests that are related to characters, not that many. Level 66 is as high as I got with mage guy in my pic and that was with 2 legendaries in alteration and destruction. 1 in alchemy, second one took even longer than the first. That was when I realized that the system can't be more stupid and never going to use legendary skills again.
The quests that I have left for that character are either getting more staves for Uncle Neloth or getting books for the orc. But I got to the point where they are both sending me to the same places so pretty much no more quests. I am not delivering grocery lists or getting cats out of trees with this character. For what? To see a new name tag on a different colored dragon? The reason why I delete my characters after they are done.
These are your choices and I'm not the one to tell you how to spend your time with your character -unless you ask me ofcourse.
My reply, was more about you, mentioning cheats and exploits to get past level 81, which I say again, are totally unnecessary.
Was not arguing. I agree with you. But those are the alternatives. Grind, glitch or cheat. There's no "natural" progression to get to 81.