This is driving me bonkers. I've got some custom-made creatures that are basically tiny chauruses. I'm using a custom skeleton (chaurus skeleton scaled to .5 with a smaller bounding box), and a combat style that is duplicated from csChaurus, but with ranged attacks, spell-casting, etc set to zero. These guys are to be melee only, and to attack enemies with no thought to their own safety.
The problem I'm encountering is one I've run into before. They see their foes, they start combat, they run like mad to the target and... stare at it. Sometimes they circle around, sometimes they run away and hide behind a rock, but they never attack. I know they -can- attack, it's not like they can't reach the target because I had it working for a while, but at some point I changed something and I can't figure out what.
Their factions are correct. Their packages do allow them to enter combat and attack. If I switch them to the standard csChaurus they circle and spit just like they're supposed to. I'm sure the problem is in the custom combatstyle but I can't figure it out.
Anyone have any ideas?