Why are parts of Oblivion(Cyrodil?) in Skyrim?

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:55 am

I was watching a vid that showed when this person no-clipped through a south eastern gate there was a ton of low res land mass with a giant tower where I'm guessing Imperial City would be, not sure if that's what it was since I only played 3 hours of Oblivion.

This tower and most of the land cannot be seen unless you are on PC and go through the no clipping crap.

So why is it there?

obviously not for any dlc since they're fine with that. Could it perhaps be there because they thought they would make a DLC/expansion that went over to the tower and surrounding areas? It sure would have been one hell of a project....it's quite a large area especially to have created for no real reason especially including that tower even o if it's ultra low res.

So why do you think it's there?

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:07 pm

its an easter egg..

we can see parts of Cyrodiil and Vvardenfell (White-Gold tower and Red mountain to be specific) by toggleing clipping off (Console Command "tcl").

its not there for any real purpose other then, "Hey, I remember that place!".

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Tamara Primo
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:46 am

It's not DLC it's just there so when your flying on a dragon or mountain climbing you can get the spectacle of seeing the Imperial city.

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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:51 am

Well surely not for DLC at this point.

I think it's just there for anyone whose at a really high point in Skyrim would see actual landscape outside of the province instead of nothing. Of course the landscape would will be low-res considering the players wouldn't be able to reach it in the first place without no clip. Similar to how we can see a bit of Vvardenfall and the Red Mountain.

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Sista Sila
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:25 pm

The immediate areas and the distant terrain is just there as a backdrop. So that when the player gets on a mountain top, they don't just stare off into the void of space.

However, you are correct in the only way to see the White Gold Tower of the Imperial City is to disable the boundaries and actually go there. I think they done that as an incentive and a place marker to entice the mod community.

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:02 am

Its just there to have it. Just for scenery for anyone who gets to that point.

Maybe it would have been for DLC. Who knows? :shrug:
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:14 am

Yea, I guess that's what I kinda figured. Obviously no more DLC is coming out but perhaps they were originally planning on doing something with it.

I didn't even realize you could see that much of it by standing on a mountain top. Which mountains would allow me to see a good chunk of it? Close to the throat of the world or would it be one of the "nameless" mountains( unless they have names which I've neglected to learn).

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Rachel Cafferty
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