after the second or third visit?
Bear, Bear, Ice Troll, Bear, Ice Troll...Ice Troll.
By the time I draw up to the front door, I am ready to kill everything.
after the second or third visit?
Bear, Bear, Ice Troll, Bear, Ice Troll...Ice Troll.
By the time I draw up to the front door, I am ready to kill everything.
I usually climb up it, but I either fast travel down or just climb down the side in which ever direction I need to head next
Sometimes I will go up the second time if stuff has responded, I am good, and I want to clear a path for pilgrims. But, yeah, during Season Unending there is no [censored] way.
I never use Fast Travel, unless it's via carriage or boat, so I've climbed those damn steps many times.
I have FT disabled. I use a horse for everything now. Even without the horse, one can just run past everything. Then again, very few of my characters even meet the Graybeards in the first place. So, they don't get much track time on the big hill.
I've never once fast traveled in Skyrim. I don't open the map, so fast travel is not even an option for me. But if I did use the map I'd probably do as Jesuis Cache-Cache does and disable fast travel.
No I climb up evrey time. I visit the Greybeards often for more words of power.
Oh, it is.
Imagine trying to RP for all of those hikes up Tamriel's Mt.Everest. Go up only for a quick conversation with Arngeir and then aaaaall the way back down, then aaaaall the way up again.
Thank goodness Whirlwind Sprint and the Respite perk exists so I have an excuse to not have my characters die from exhaustion. That said, I don't think I'll ever RP a non-mage Dragonborn.
After the first few times no, I don't travel by foot. I don't find it very fun at all. This is one of the few locations that I break my RP rules to get to.
The only other time I use FT is during some of the DG quests that has me repeatedly running across the entire length of the map and even then I didn't FT ask the way....more like 1/3 of the way. You miss far too much of you always use ft. I learned that after not doing so on my 3rd character.
There's more than the initial few you get by just doing the MQ? I never knew about that.
Yep, I use fast travel to go there because I want to compete more than one quest a day. I do a lot of traveling on foot but I don't feel bad about fast travel at all.
My Paladin of Talos no longer receives word quests from the greybeards, so there is a point in time when the Greybeards stop giving quests.
I only have to climb up there once, after that I can command a dragon to drop me off there.
Really nice extention to the in-game fast travel network, dragon riding.
With that and my carriage at Lakeview I really don't need anything else.
Yeah the Greybeards give you at least as many shouts as Delphine you just ask the only one that talks.