My biggest & only real problem with Skyrim

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:04 am

Hi guys,

New mbr here and I'm sorry that my first post is a complaint.

I'm a fan of TES games, though I've played them somewhat casually over the years and I'm not by any means an expert.

I've run into problems from time to time, but for the most part I've really enjoyed my time playing.

That said, I do have a reoccurring frustration that I'm currently encountering in my latest delving into Skyrim.

Another reason I'm posting this is to get possible suggestions, maybe I'm approaching the situation and game the wrong way.

So here it pretty much only frustration and issue is with the way Quest progression occurs.

I love a sandbox game!

I absolutely love the ability to roam and pickup quests as I find them and the ability to pursue or ignore main quests as I choose.

But I hate coming across a random quest and embarking on the quest, making my way to the area/dungeon/fort what have you...only to find that the focus of the quest is a level 20 who begins to wipe the floor with my lvl 9 toon!

I hate this!

There should be a way where these quests simply aren't available or even present themselves to a character that's far too low.

I "wish" with all my heart that there was a way (without having to look up online or the game guide) to see some kind of quest level indicator.

I wind up with a ton of quests sitting there in my Log waiting for me to be able to be high enough to even come close to completing.

And then I'm wondering around picking up new quests and then I wind up forgetting what lvl I needed to be if I didn't write it all down...and it just becomes a real mess, a chore that "for me" takes a lot away from both my immersion and

and enjoyment level.

So...(takes a breath) I've been wanting to voice this and get it off my chest for quite some time...feels good lol

I know there will be some out there that will just flame me for this complaint...but I'm hoping there are others out there that understand and perhaps have a idea of how I might be able to minimize this issue, that I haven't discovered.

Does this bother anyone else?

Or do you simply roll with it?

Do you try and keep track and try and wind your way back to them later?

Would love to here how others deal and attack this mechanic in the game!

Thanks a ton for listening...I really DO love TES games, the setting, the lore, the I said, "this" is the single most frustrating part of the entire experience :(

Suggestions, ideas, comments will be greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,


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Russell Davies
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:46 pm

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when you can't do all the quests with a level 10 character. I wish more locations and quests that would be impossible to complete unless you were strong enough/ leveled high enough.

One of my biggest issues with Skyrim is that enemies scale themselves to your current level. That's horrible game design IMO. That's why i Like New Vegas so much, there are certain areas that you won't last 30 seconds if your not at a high enough level. That's just the way I like it.

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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:39 am

You mean you hate dealing with higher level enemies?

That's where the challenge is at my friend. Going up against a Deathlord, or a Bandit Marauder.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:44 pm

Try going to Solstheim at level three, only to find two Deathlords and Zahriisos after you. I still to this day am proud I got through that haha.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:19 pm

I a point/degree ;)

You have to admit though that there is challenge and there is impossibility! heh

I don't mind that there "are" enemies that are stronger or even harder to deal fact that makes total sense in a living world setting.

Encountering those kinds of challenges as I explore the world, many times off the beaten path is fun and to be expected. Like when I mistakenly went up against a mammoth lol

But my issue is in receiving Quests that are far above my current level...that there is no way in the world that I'll be able to complete...and not having ANY way of knowing this till I travel, sometimes long distances, to only find a figurative "brick wall" for my troubles.

Those situations don't bother you?

I just wish that either there was a way that my character was never given those quests until later within a suitable lvl range, or that there was a way to have the Quests identified in the Log what level range they were intended to be.

I's not going to happen lol

It's just something I find quite frustrating personally and I wish there was a solution to be found. But with official development complete I know that will never happen and was probably never intended or thought of by the devs.

Perhaps a mod will come along that does something similar....

Maybe if I simply play longer and progress my character past the earlier levels (say past 20) it won't be as much an issue.

I'm going to keep playing and I'll keep my written "log" next to me to help keep track...I just wish there was a better way to know when your ready for certain quests/questlines ;)

Thank you for the replies!

I'll en-devour to preserver ;)


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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:20 pm

I can't think of a suggest to help you avoid these quests and locations right off hand. By and large if you start around Whiterun and do all the quests there that you like you will not get anything too hard. But if you are avoiding the MQ you have to avoid getting collecting bounties or going to DR, which also avoids a potentially tough dragon fight for low levels.

So you can still do some misc quests there and clear some local spots. Then start moving out from there. If you want to do the Companions quests, I find the first part much easier at low level, if you know how to skip the Falmer fight and take Aela's first quest instead.... then do the quest at Dustman's Cairn with Farkas pretty early. Sorry, hard not to have spoilers when you ask for help or tips. If you do Dustman's Cairn between 12-18th level you better be well put together. You also want to avoid going up to high snowy regions if possible at low level, or be able to escape, calm, etc... Also, avoid any place you know has Falmer until you are a pretty badass 8-10th level character. They can be identified by the weird shell formations on stakes outside the caves. Also avoid Dwemer ruins until 13th or so.

Other than that you just have to learn which places to avoid at low level unless you have a stratagem to kill something powerful and get a great reward. Examples are Lost Volskygge, any location with a Dragon Priest Helm, especially Forelhost, which is the hardest dungeon in the game. Some people like the realism of not have leveled enemies everywhere, and the experiences of running for your life to come back later or pulling off an amazing upset victory over something way over your head. After you play enough, you start to learn which places and quests to avoid, pretty quickly in this game.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:02 pm

Thank you Avarae!

Very good and helpful info and suggestions...I appreciate it :)

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kristy dunn
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:32 am

I don't think you're going to get flamed here Rolend and BTW welcome to the forums!

Using a bit of discretion will help you out immensely.

If the quest is about wiping out bandits then most bandit encounters can be done at relatively low levels though there are a couple that are tough.

Halted Stream Camp or Pinewatch

If you're sent against Forsworn you'd better have some levels on you and be prepared for a tough fight because of Briarhearts.

If you're sent to a Dwemer ruin it would be best to be in the 20-30 level range depending on your skills and playstyle because of Centurions.

Dragon elimination quests can of course be a bit dicey depending on ytour skill at times.

When sent to Nord ruins you have to consider the possibility of finding a Dragon Priest.

So all told if you sit down and look at the possible consequences you can logically make a decision on whether to take the quest or not.

If it looks to be a tough take a follower along who can 'tank' for you, jumping into the melee and taking some of the punishment away from you.

If you some foresight it will make your decisions a lot easier.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:04 pm

I went there on a Pure mage at level 10, he was not the dragonborn so no shouts. By the time that I finished the majority of the quest that you can do without being the Dragonborn, I was level 18. Needless to say, I died, a lot. But actually managing those quest, especially the one in the Mine, made me happy.

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