Viinturuth's Corpse Wont Leave Me Alone!

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:16 pm

Any time I fast travel anywhere in Eastmarch, that dragons' corpse follows me. if I fast travel into Windhelm, the corpse will drop out of nowhere, either infront of the main gate or right outside the palace. If I fast travel to any other location in eastmarch, literally ANY location, that corpse just falls right out of the sky infront of me. Every single time.

I suppose technically this isnt causing any major bugs but viinturuth has a creepy corpse and its starting to bother me. How can I make this madness stop? I tried Disabling it but that just works til I shut the game down, then its back again.

Mocking me.

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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:39 pm

Use "markfordelete" command instead of "disable" and it will disappear permanently.

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