Making skyrim sixy

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:16 pm


I'm running Skyrim with more than 189 mods (all gameplay related, lore friendly).

It took me three weeks to assemble that list. It was not easy, I did a lot of reading.

And finally, it works like a charm. What a surprise!

I've played for 10 hours now and I've encountered no bug. I really mean it. Not a single bug, not a single CTD.

Everythings runs as expected. All the MCM configuration menus. Most of the options I've tested so far, it's all good.

My configuration is : Skyrim + DLC + SKSE + 189 mods + Bashed Patch + Reprocesser (from SkyRe)

Amazing. Thanks the community.

Now I'de like to add one additional mod to that list : APSkyrim....aka Animated Prostitution....I know I's just to add....realism.

And I have 2 questions :

* how should I do that? I noticed there is a leveled list modification in this mod. It adds a "sixtoy" in the LVLI list.

So is it necessary to rebuild the Wrye Bashed Patch?

* And the most important....will it screw my savegames? (i'm afraid the leveled list modification will mess with the items I have in my possession)

Overall, I'de like to know about the risks of adding a mod that conflicts with the leveled list.

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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:11 am

Your probably better off taking this conversation over to the Nexus instead of here. Topics like this one tend to get out of hand...and then you see a grumpy bear stroll in and ruin everybody's day. :blink:

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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:08 pm

That said, no reason to be afraid of mods adding stuff to leveledlists regarding corrupted save games or items in your possession. And no reason to be afraid of rebuilding the Bashed Patch either. Also, google LoversLab for forums that are dedicated to "sixy" mods.

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Jessica Raven
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:04 pm

You have 189 mods but none of them modify the levelled list? Basically rebuilding your bashed patch solves these conflicts. It will not screw up your savegames. Also I think there are a couple of prerequisites for APS, FNIS and XP32 skeleton (and maybe others) IIRC. Anyways, in general I use many mods which alter levelled lists, even the unofficial patches have Relev and Delev tags for the bashed patch, no big deal at all.

Also, agreed with Barretts, discussion of advlt mods aren't really allowed, but at least we've answered your question already :smile:

Ok just checked that site out, I had no idea there was a forum community dedicated for these mods...just wow.

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Emma Louise Adams
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