What mods should I use?

Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:10 am

At Christmas, I am going to build a gaming PC and have a bit of a Bethesda game marathon. Replaying Oblivion, Skyrim and New Vegas, but this time on PC with the addition of mods.

I've played Skyrim a bunch, so want to mod the hell out of it! Content mods, texture overhauls, anything that's good and will change the game for me as a current console player, suggest!

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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:11 am

There is every conceivable mod out there, so your best bet is to be really specific. Don't ask what the best face texture mods are, ask for suggestions on the most realistic or the prettiest or ones that look anime-ish or those that make your character look like a porm star. I have seen dozens of makeover mods for companions but out of all those I didn't like any and made my own. I'm sure the makers of those mods think mine is ugly as sin! I've seen at least a dozen expansions to Breezehome and most were very well made, but only two actually suit my own specific needs. I'm sure if I suggested them, you'd prefer something else again.

So, what EXACTLY are you looking for?
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:14 am

Ballistic spells
It makes fire balls and ice projectiles arc
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:00 am

plus there are a ton of threads like this with all different types of suggestions. like Princess says, you really have to be specific.

but what I do, is create a bookmark folder with 20 subfolders underneath it, and just browse mods at the nexus and bookmark whatever i find interesting in their subfolder like character, efffects, quests, new lands, etc.

and ofc hang out at this forum to pick up a whole bunch of great ideas.

and for me personally, i get giddy for quest mods and new content the most. Those are really the must have ones. There are some really great stuff too out there right now like Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, and 13Oranges' mods

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