It simply never fails, ever since Oblivion i could never get into playing as a mage. Thus same goes with skyirm. I've played the rouge-bow/dagger, tank-sheild/sword, two-handed guy, but i've never spent a considerable amount of time with a mage thus far. The gameplay from shooting some fool with a bow and arrow or hacking them to bits with some swords or daggers seems so much cooler than shooting out fire balls from you hands. Well, i'm just being a little sarcastic, cause i know its moving involving than just shooting fireballs, but anyhow...
i know thats just my feeling getting in the way, and so i know in my mind that it has to be fun. I basically know all the ends and outs of what each school of magic does, i'm just looking for some suggestive combinations for these schools that will help get me out of my mage hating shell.
And maybe some insightful encouragement from mage playing fans