Janessa no follow option

Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:34 am

Hi All,

I married Janessa and afterwards she continued to be my follower for quite awhile up until I did the quest purity of revenge where she gets forced to leave and you go off to kill the silverhand with a companion. Now that the quest is finished, I can't get her to follow me again. The option just isn't there. She hangs around the house at Lakeview Manor but no follow me option. I've read this is a bug for some NPC followers but can't seem to find the fix for Janessa. I went back to an earlier save while she was still my follower and dismissed her. Again she went back home but the follow me option vanished. Is there a way to get her back as follower? She kicks butt and I need her :smile:.

I tried the following:

set playerfollowercount to 0

Please help thanks.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:34 pm

Nevermind. I fixed it by opening the console, clicking on Janessa and using the following command

setrelationshiprank player 4

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Deon Knight
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