My Thread on Nex Gen Consoles Was About Fallout!

Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:01 pm

Geez is this a strict forum ? I actually originally had that a smaller , say half of my thread in a different thread when i was having issues with Boone, but decided to start a new thread about it. this is a Gen Discussion area about New Vegas, and Fallout. And in that thread I was talking about fallout specifically, ant if it will be a huge jump in graphic and other ways that the Xbox one's power is supposed to be able to do, since they claim they are getting almost as powerful as gaming computers now. In this forum area about new vegas, and fallout, I figured people would understand that fallout and the next one coming out does have to do with what i was talking about. Is this next fallout going to look graphic wise a lot like Fallout 3 and New vegas? I think it will. Again for the reasons I listed and have heard first hand from a my cousin who works for EA.

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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:00 pm

Next Gen consoles are, and always will be, inferior to the PC as long as 'security' is on it, pushing modders and communities alike out the window and forcefully accepting their law. Not only that, but the amount of 'hardware power' they have on their consoles are considered a joke in every form, save for the 8 Gigs of RAM. Other than that, they're all forgettable. Graphics isn't even a step close when in comparison to the latest Graphics card PC has to offer, if the game companies saw the true power, they would [censored] eggs and feel their wallets scream in agony. They will have the same graphics as Skyrim because Creation Engine is in fact Gamebryo updated...and if their 'gore' is the same as Skyrim, count me out. I was bored senselessly in that dull game.

The only thing I enjoy the Console family does is put a hinderance on the PC development, allowing most people to catch up as the console is the newest 'graphical' benchmark, which being lower than gaming computers, gives us time to sit back, kick our feet up, and snooze away.

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