Sooo.... Wasent sure where to put this exactly, but since I use mods I figure it might be from them. Anyways, been modding for awhile now and I've had the same mods for awhile as well and I've never seen, heard, or can find anything about what I've seen so far: As I exit the door from the Arch-Mages room into the entry way in the College of Winterhold I look to my right at the main entry door and notice movement on the ground. I crouch and a small man about the size of a toy soldier wearing nothing but the cloth you see when you remove all your armor and a normal colored head but with a matte black body is walking across the floor looking up at me. I watch him walk across the floor and out the main entry door.... I have NO idea where he came from and I have no mods I can think of to cause the problem. Oh, and to make it kinda creepy, everyone is accounted for in the area. This isn't a mod believe me, I don't even know what use for this I would have, it dosent cause any problems since everyone is still here. I'm more curious as to where the hell he came from or if anyone has had this happen to them.