You mean the drug addict who got himself recalled to Cyrodiil and the bungling Keystone Kops who couldn't do the one task they were assigned to do: protect the Emperor? Those "noble Blades?" No thanks. I say Tamriel is better off without those Blades. I'd prefer to align myself with the Blades of the 4th era, with all their faults, any day.
I understand perfectly what you're talking about. They let you bring in two recruits (Mine were housecarls *Doh!*) then hit you with the 'Ultimatum', I being none the wiser felt I would have to do it to be able to interact with them (Lydia and Argis) so grudgingly acceded to her command. It was a painful moment on the Snow Throat with my character breaking out food and a bottle of Black Brair Reserve to honor his passing. Even had I known of 'the option' I couldn't have done it since my character was the same way that early in the game. He changed a bit over time but he could and would not have lied to her.
Don't feel bad about the spat, it tends to happen all of the time on the forums, I myself got a bit heated in another thread on the "Cheats, Hints and Spoilers" side and nearly derailed the poor guys thread. Everyone has their opinions and sometimes we wear them on our sleeve a bit. It is true that it gets taken to extreme sometimes, especially when you get an 'Imperials vs Stormcloaks' thread going or even if it comes close to one there is often a stampede by both sides rushing to battle.
Skyrim is an extremely polarizing game I think because it's so open ended and we sometimes draw lines in the sand to see who steps over.
This is the reason I took such a low key stance on my first post, I didn't want to stir 'the pot' any more than it already was.
Have fun with your play through.
That's because it's not an option and he just made it up.
I didn't make it up, if it is not an option then it's because I was told wrongly. The option came from a trusted source whom I believe. If it's wrong then I apologize for giving out incorrect information.
Edit: I'll look it up on UESP to check.
Settle down Bomb, UESP shows no such dialogue option so I retract my statement. Since I don't plan on getting that far in the future I won't have a chance to test this first hand but UESP does say if Paarthurnax is not killed the Blades will remain hostile so it looks like that kills it.
Should I ever decide to try it on PC I'll download '' instead.
Edit: I DO remember returning to Delphine before I killed Paarthy in an attempt to try to talk some sense into them and the dialogue WAS THERE. So I HAVE seen it first hand. Whether it works or not I don't know since I didn't try it for the reasons I gave. Call me a liar if you wish.
This was on 360 BTW
Thanks for checkin' it out man! Guess it doesn't make much of a difference to me, as I'll be spending my time meditating with a$$ planted on snow rather than brooding with Delphine and Esbern (who, for what it's worth, I actually think is Awesome).
Also @Da Bomb76 - No need to get short.