There is none.
They practice cannibalism, yuck.
I wonder when they made the Green Pact with Y'ffre, did cardiovascular disease rise in the population or did the forest deity make their stomach similar to a wolf's stomach and take away their enzymes for breaking down cellulose?... Will a bosmer get sick if they eat vegetation?
In the Dawn Era, they were unstable, and would often transform into supernatural, completely frenzied monsters at random. The Green Pact ensures that they remain Bosmer and humane. It protects the beautiful rain-forest, and keeps dead meat from going to waste.
Bosmer are responsible for eating whomever they kill. Makes you think twice, because if you kill 20 people, you have to eat them.
As per the Green Pact, Bosmer shamans can invoke the Wild hunt, and transform a select bunch into monsters in times of need and desperation.
Make one with the ck if your on pc although im quite partial to 3 dark elfs myself, No wait its 4 now i just created the latest dunmer follower/spouse/trainer if everything works as it should.