Making followers move with a MoveTo() on player.

Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:07 am

There is currently an issue with my mod where the player is in an area. They are then moved via MoveTo(), and the area is sealed off. The problem is that followers don't come with them, leaving the followers in the now sealed area, trapped.

I tried doing Game.FastTravel() instead of a MoveTo() on the player since the only negative effect I could think of was time passage (Which honestly makes sense in this scenario). However, there was simply a brief loading screen, the player was in the exact same spot and some other weirdness happened. For example the player's controls were enabled, when they shouldn't yet be, etc.

Is there some other way to get followers to come with the player? (Note: I'm not using SKSE, so that's out)



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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:11 pm

I'm pretty dangerous when it comes to scripting, but is it possible to run a check on anyone in the player follower faction (not sure what it's called exactly) and/or anyone set to team mate status to the player and move them like that? It might be best to check if they are in the vicinity of the player, that way it won't move someone told to wait in some other location, but who still may be in the faction or team mate status?

This is just a total stab in the dark, lol.

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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:55 am


Without any specifics it's kinda hard to get creative and give suggestions,

but, if you can give the followers a way out of the closed location they should do the work for you because their AI is telling them to find/follow the player. So if you could enable a door/exit, etc after you've moved the player that would solve the problem. Can you, once you've moved the player, enable a door in that closed location that opens into where you've moved the player (something appropriately invisible/hidden on both ends)? The followers should not re-exit from that portal and the player won't go to it if they can't see it and you can disable it again after something reasonable so they never see it or know about it. Just a thought.

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