Freeze point in The Strip

Post » Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:09 am

This started happening once I left Lucky 38 at one point and was approached about putting a bug or data transfer thingy-ma-jig in Mr. House so the Followers could receive some information or something (I obviously wasn't paying attention).

So, it was daytime and whenever I would look towards the 2nd Strip gate that would take you to the Tops, Ultra Luxe, etc. and there were some drunken NCR troopers my game would freeze - no matter where on The Strip I was located. If I look at them right out of Lucky 38 or walked across the road to speak to the small-arms dealer then turned around and looked at all the drunken NCR right in front of the 2nd gate - the game would freeze. It got pretty annoying having to shut down my Xbox and reload my game multiple times, but eventually I did get around it by just leaving the Strip and coming back later..

I'm not sure what caused the freeze. Possibly all the NPC's located too closely to each other along with everything else on the screen. I have no idea.. but just a heads up about something that caused some constant freezing.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:18 am

That's crazy crap right there.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:05 am

Whatta ya know, I travel to the Strip to drop some stuff off at my suite in the Lucky 38 and now I can't walk more than 5 feet from the gate within the Strip before my game freezes.

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Andrea P
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Post » Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:58 am

I'm stuck inside the Lucky 38 casino floor because it crashes whenever I try to walk out to The Strip. No Old Cowboy Hats to be found inside either. :sadvaultboy:
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:03 am

I'm stuck inside the Lucky 38 casino floor because it crashes whenever I try to walk out to The Strip. No Old Cowboy Hats to be found inside either. :sadvaultboy:

i've got the exact same problem as you, everytime i try to leave Lucky 38 Casino. Game freezes everytime and the autosave file becomes corrupted and even when i reload my game back to befor it, it freezes in the exact same point.

I even went and returned my game and got a new one, first time i play it . . . FREEZE!!!!! in the exact same place.

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Post » Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:55 pm

i've got the exact same problem as you, everytime i try to leave Lucky 38 Casino. Game freezes everytime and the autosave file becomes corrupted and even when i reload my game back to befor it, it freezes in the exact same point.

I even went and returned my game and got a new one, first time i play it . . . FREEZE!!!!! in the exact same place.


im glad im not the only one with this problem.. i played 20+ hours and cant move on..everytime i try to leave the building it crashes after the loading screen (just a blackscreen) pretty pissed and hope they release a real patch soon
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:56 am

im stuck in gamorrah. how did such a game breaking and very common bug get through beta testing?
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Jerry Cox
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