[Unsolved] How to unallow items to drop ?

Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:46 am


Today I decided to make a new follower and made him a custom stuff. Sad thing is, I don't want the player to be able to get his stuff the non-cheating way.

I need to know how to unallow his armour and sword to drop, but allow carried stuff to. I also need to make sure his stuff can't be taken upon death.

Thanks by advance and have a good day.

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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:40 pm

I know when it comes to weapons you can make a unique custom ID weapon and make it non-playable which also makes it non droppable. Doing this you can also give an NPC for example a duplicate ID Iron Waraxe with a much higher damage output than what is default, and then put the default waraxee with the same weapon skin in the npcs inventory that is playable.

That way for example, you can easily make a powerful ally or powerful enemy, while the player could still have the immersion of looting from them, without getting an overpowered weapon in the process. Although I've primarily done this for NPCs that either live on an isolated island or who are enemies of the player.

Edit: You can make armor unplayable as well I am pretty positive.

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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:47 pm

put the outfit you want him to wear in a form list. then choose this form list in the npc's inventory tab where it says "default outfit". he'll wear this, but it won't show up in his inventory, so it can't be taken.

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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:03 pm

Thanks for the answers but my follower's armour is not custom. It's the ArmorScaledNoHelmetOutfit. How can I make it undroppable from my follower's corpse?

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:16 am

Make a duplicate of ArmorScaledNOHelmetOutfit, then also make duplicate IDs of ArmorScaledBoots, ArmorScaledCuirass, and ArmorScaledGauntlets, then go to the duplicate ArmorScaledNOHelmetoutfit, click edit, when the window pops up highlight the current items inside press delete, then keeping the window open, click on armor, type in Scaled, find the duplicates you made of ArmorScaledCuirass ArmorScaledBoots and ArmorScaledGauntlets, and drag all three duplicates into the window then click okay.

Now open up your duplicates again, click edit and then uncheck playable in the bottom left corner then click okay. I also recommend you name your duplicates something like 1ASovietArmorScaledBoots 1ASovietArmorScaledCuirass, or some other alias unlikely to be in other peoples mod IDs, so that it's compatible, the 1A at the start btw will make the duplicate ID pieces easier to find for you.

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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:50 pm

this has nothing to do with if it's vanilla. you just need to put it in a form list, that's all.

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