Smithing in Skyrim

Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:10 am

I have just 'finished' playing oblivion and, obviously, there is no smithing there, and so I would like to know how you feel about the newly implemented smithing mechanic.

Q1) Self Explanatory

Q2) Ditto

Q3) Is it right for one to able to make a little iron knife more powerful than a 20 pound ebony battleaxe, or for weapons to be able to be made to unbelievably powerful?

Q4) I have heard loads of people complain about how the tree is bad.

Q5) Again pretty self explanatory

Q6) Eorlund Gray-Mane is meant to be the greaest smith in Skyrim, and yet, all that is unique about him is that he sells Skyforge steel, which look exactly like normal weapons and aren't even that good.

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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:43 am

I like it
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:31 am

Yes, repeatedly.

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Beth Belcher
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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:33 pm

Do you like smithing in Skyrim?
  • Yes, but it's not "really good".
Do you like the idea of the improve feature?
  • Yes, I like the idea, but lets not get crazy and start calling it really good either.
Do you like how the improve feature was implemented?
  • Absolutely not. It's broken as there is no cap on damage. Thus, you get the forums flooded with candy asses that cry about being OP'd because they don't have any damn self control or common sense.
  • Furthermore, the game should support weapon degradation and grant the means and/or need to sharpen and repair worn weapons.
How do you find the smithing skill tree?
  • It's not well done at all. Then again, I have issue with trees in general. Perks should be level or skill level dependent.
Should blacksmiths be able to improve your gear for you?
  • Of course. How dumb do you have to be to vote no on that?
Should different smiths provide different services depending upon their skill?
  • Of course they should. Is it perfectly ok for them to be carbon copies of each other? The series is taking a dump for the intellectually challenged as it is.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:33 pm

I've gone over this subject so many times, I wish the forums weren't merged so I could just find and requote it.

I think my biggest sticking points with the Smithing system in Skyrim, is it's just so damn boring in the end. You don't really gain anything special, just lopsided balance if you use it. I love gathering materials and crafting, and am in no way advocating that Smithing (or any craft) be removed. Just reiterated.

First off, how you learn to work with new materials should change. The perks are uninspired, I personally favor Smithing working a bit like spells. Different smiths can teach you (Either paid or rewarded from quest) smithing techniques, skill wiling. Every professional smith would be able to teach Hidework, Ironwork and Steel smithing, but for mid and high tier it should be a bit more selective to act as inventive and maintain the gravity of the reward. If every town smith can forge a Daedric suit of armor, well, it loses its impact.

Now that we've freed up the perks for something interesting, Smithing can really take off as an interesting craft. Perks that really improve the feel of weapons instead of just their base quality. Keen Edging to boost critical damage, Heavy forging to improve the stagger and knockdown rates. Armor is somewhat harder to make interesting though, since it's just a passive DR.

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:40 am

I don't like how smithing works in Skyrim, it lets you improve upon such already strong armor & weapons that it becomes silly. I don't mind it allowing you to create armors such as Daedric etc... but improving them to such high levels is where it starts to fall apart IMO.

I think Oblivion did it better where the 'Armorer' ability allowed you to repair your equipment with hammers, as it deteriorated with use. And at high levels in Armorer you could improve it at a sensible amount, max armor health was 100 and you could make it 130 or something with the highest level.

I guess it comes to pandering to a wider gaming audience, i.e removing the boring, yet realistic armor deterioration, for none & allowing you make ridiculously strong armor on top of already good armor. I hope it's changed in the next game, but that's just my opinion.

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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:45 am

Bad poll, should keep the reasons separate from the answers because not everyone has the same reasons for liking or disliking something. It also makes it pretty obvious that it's a "do you agree with me poll" with a clear bias towards certain answers.

That said smithing was imbalanced, player-centric, and didn't add anything to the game but dull damage dealt/taken boosts, while making found gear obsolete, so I voted mostly negatively.

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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:21 pm

Another excellent observation. One that I share, yet neglected to mention.

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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:24 am

you can choose to make weak weapons, average weapons, strong weapons or OP weapons. If it was balanced then you cant be weak or OP and lots of people like being weak or OP. You arent forced to be OP.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:17 am

I liked the leveling system in Oblivion, and hate the leveling of Skyrim. I realize that is a little out of the context of this thread.

That said, I would like the Smithing skills if they were better developed.

1) The ore veins do not respawn, at least in my game. Never, not ever, even after long months spent waiting. In earlier Elder Scrolls games, alchemy was a viable skill to invest in because you could make good money from it as a trade. But if smithing has sorely limited supplies, then there is no advantage to gaining the skill.4

2) The perk tree only allows you to make the equivilent of vanilla weapons and armor. You should, as a master craftsman, be able to make superior weapons and armor if you level the skills all the way up. In some games (Kingdoms of Amalur) you are able to do just that. I level up blacksmithing in that game because that is where you get the best stuff. But in Skyrim, anything you get out of an unattended chest or off of a dead villian is just as good as what you can make. I know that you can make advanced items like Legendary, but that doesn't come until very late in the game, unless you do not intend to actually develop the skills to use the weapons and armor that you are cranking out.

3) the special forges. Everyone in the game hypes that Graymane can make the best stuff at the forge by the companions building. But he makes vanilla items. Nothing special about what is made there.

I would enjoy smithing but the skill is not worth squandering my perk points.

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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:38 am

It should have been used for weapons and armor degradation instead of cheap damage increases. But I guess that wouldn't draw in the COD kids.

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James Rhead
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:10 am

things that would have made Smithing awesome. to metm

weapon degradation-

We've models of broken weapons in game, what kind of underhanded tease is that when weapons are one of the most static aspects of Skyrim? never reduced in personal effectiveness, the only way is up in terms of damage. this would have been amazing avenues of dynamics had smithing been involved in weapon degradation, armor bench? maintain armor and blunt weapons, whet wheel? blades, you strike enemies with decent armor rating? your blades dull, you take a crack at a dragons scales with that toothpick of yours? it snaps.


in lieu of the points above why are materials included when there's not much else to them? (don't remove the thought of them in TESVI just because I said that) different materials would have different properties, effective against certain creatures? armor types? some would hold a greater enchantment charge than others? you know make smithing beyond a weapon/armor spawning mechanic

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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:05 am

The reason I put reasons in, is when i was talking with my friends about it, they kept saying that smithing was broken, I personally answered yes and meh to all of them. I don't personally have a problem with it and only included reasons because doing a yes, meh, no poll would have been a bit boring!

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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:32 am

Not at all. Doing so would have given more of an incentive for a member to comment as to why.

As it stands now, by implementing your own reason, it is essentially a deterrent.

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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:01 am

I hated having to carry around a ton of repair hammers in Oblivion to fix my sword after every fight so a big NO to the return of weapon degradation. Other then that I like smithing and it could be expanded a bit for the future.

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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:47 am

For degradation, I put indifferent because I want to say no, but degradation can work if they tweak it from what it was like in Oblivion. So if its just like Oblivion's, no. If it's handled better and doesn't become an annoyance, and different weapon types have different levels of it and different levels of effectiveness when degraded, and the degradation actually shows on weapons and armor.....then yes. Daedric should either not degrade or be really really slow. Same for certain artifacts.

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claire ley
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:15 am

Just because it was that way in Oblivion doesn't mean you have to remove it. You can improve it as in not having the hammer break. You carry a pickaxe and a woodcutter's axe around, why not a hammer?

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Jesus Duran
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:17 am

My votes about flow with the majority. The only thing I will comment is the smithing tree can be better as I think the "Advanced Armors" perk should be in the center and have the fur/hide/and leather armors be added on the light armor side.

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Kaley X
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Post » Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:15 pm

I agree, thats a specialized perk. Shouldn't have to waste a perk in light armor for it.

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