both addictive
both addictive
Skooma is a drug. Like marihuana or whatever. I know, cigarettes are technically also "drugs" but they aren't as strong as all the other stuff out there.
Cigarettes are more of an addictive drug than weed will ever be, but skooma is more like the meth or heroin of our world.
Not at all. Skooma has totally different effects on the body, such as an increase in strength. Smoking just gives you a buzz.
The skooma of Skyrim is.
Skooma from the previous games is a lot more like heroin or meth.
I would say more along the meth line. This is because when under the influence of meth you feel stronger, almost invincible... and you fail to realize the great harm your body is taking on as a result, yet the user continues to take more and more.
lol.. this topic. And the only thing you said in the op was "both addictive" x)
Exactly. Skooma is the liquid form of processed moon sugar.
Compared to a cig...