Combat Mod Comparison 2.0

Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:51 am

Hey all, I posted this on Nexus but figured it might get a bit more attention here.

I've been looking for a combat mod and am having some issues. I've read some awesome threads about the comparisons between them, but they all seem to list the different strengths and not what makes the mods different, or what mechanical similarities they share.

I'm not sure if anyone is interested in doing this, but I'd love to see a comparison of Duke Patrick's, Duel, Deadly Combat, SkyRe, and ACE or a combination of the bunch.

I'm basically looking for a mod that is skill-based and realistic. Not overly so to the point of getting over-complicated and wrecking game immersion with crashes and significant lags, but something that simulates combat in a mostly realistic way, including:

-one hit kills if applicable (i.e. if you get a power attack with a hammer on someone not blocking, they die or almost die regardless of armor class, etc. Armor should have a significant impact, but not so that fights last through 10 power attacks with a great sword). Obviously wearing high class heavy armor should get you more protected from unblocked hits but fights shouldn't be 10 minutes of hack and slashing (though 10 minutes of baiting and blocking is fine).

-Locational damage (an arrow to the unprotected head should result in death. Arrow to unprotected region=more damage than to protected region [depending of course of bow strength. If this is too much I'll settle for locational damage based on whether or not armor is had, i.e. unprotected head=death 100% of the time]).

-Improved AI (dodging, flanking, teamwork, blocking, essentially fighting with a fear of death and desire to win as opposed to fighting like a raging autistic person [no offense meant, I work with these people and love them dearly but they attack in a rather "unhindered" fashion if they're angry at times])

-Bonuses based on stance (i.e. sneak attacks to the back = instant death [throat slit], sneak attack while sleeping = instant death, flat footed/sword undrawn = extra damage due to being off guard, etc).

I'm torn on whether to use SkyRe or drop a mod in with another list of mods so help with this would be great. Also noting if any of these are compatible with SkyRe would be great, or common mods they're not compatible with (i.e. any sort of perk overhaul, SPERG, ERSO, etc), and whether or not they're functional/recommended.

Basically what bothered me in the vanilla is that I could sneak up on anyone at any time and get one hit kills with little effort - I like the idea of instant death if you catch someone from behind off guard but sneaking shouldn't be doable in heavy armor when it's bright or noisy. I didn't like that I could spam smithing and end up with a daedric one handed sword that almost 2 or 3 hit people at level 35 and wear armor that would make me almost unkillable when fighting bandits and the like. I didn't like that there was little reward for skill in that dodging didn't apply and that certain hits were chance, and it really didn't matter where you hit people (head shots with an arrow="MUST HAVE BEEN THE WIND").

Any help is appreciated! Hopefully that was coherent...

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phillip crookes
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