
Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:15 am

I have a visual effect spell to which I'd like to add an area effect emanating from the visual effect where hostiles gaze at the object and become pacified and motionless unless attacked. I don't want the effect to be centred on the spell caster, but on the visual effect.

What would be the best way to do this?

1) Some sort of paralysis (but I don't want them falling over stiff as a board)?

2) some sort of Calm effect (but I don't want them wandering off, I want them to ignore their surroundings and stare at the thing)?

3) some sort of script where the Dovahkiin and Followers become part of the enemy faction until the enemies are attacked?

4) some sort of script that affects the enemies for the full duration, unless they are attacked, and then attacked individuals will snap out of it and fight back (but the others will remain motionless and staring)?

Any suggestions from any experts out there gratefully received.


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