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According to Ria in the Companions Skjor and Kodlak killed 40 Orc berserkers. Any other info on this in-game?
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According to Ria in the Companions Skjor and Kodlak killed 40 Orc berserkers. Any other info on this in-game?
Nope, not that I recall.
I picture it happening either somewhere in south-western Skyrim or maybe even Highrock/Orsimer.
On the other hand, don't forget that Skyrim's scale couldn't handle a battle like that, so technically it never happened
"M'aiq hears many stories of war... yet few of them are true."
On the consoles.
An average PC can handle 150ish
I can handle 300 npcs at once in a tight spot. http://i.imgur.com/sD3ezBw.jpg