Looking for a 'deep' playthroughchar build+mods

Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:38 pm

Hi all!
I haven't played Skyrim in a little while and I feel it calling out to me again :P

I'm wondering if anybody can recommend to me an 'in-depth' playstyle/playthrough as well as a character build?
I'm a big fan of story-based games, so I guess that's what I'm looking for in this playthrough. I wanna get deep up in it haha.

Also, could anybody recommend me some mods? I don't really want over-the-top outrageous crap, I like mods that compliment

and harmonize with the original game (Utility/enhancement type mods I guess), though I am open to all suggestions as I have

not done a lot to immerse myself in TES other than play the games and lose a hell of a lot of sleep :P

Thanks all!!

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Danny Warner
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:42 am

Try playing with no restore potions (health, stamina, or magicka). Combat will become more interesting without needing to increase the difficulty slider.

Try not to use fast travel either; your quests will seem more meaningful like a story rather than objectives.

I recommend playing as a character build you haven't used before. So if you've played a rogue, try playing as a knight; or vice-versa.

As for mods, I recommend:

1. Frostfall: Don't let it fool you into thinking it is hardcoe mode; it only adds to gameplay, and it doesn't take anything away. The mod allows for customized survival settings and it can be toned down to where your exposure rating doesn't become a headache to manage, whatsoever. The extra features and items will make gameplay more fun. I think the mod author is going to release version 2.5 soon.

2. Alternate Start - Live Another Life: This mod allows your character to have a different entry into skyrim, which will greatly change the way you play the early levels.

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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:19 pm

Don't collect tons and tons of quests at once by talking to everyone you meet. Do things one at a time. Even though this might take longer because you have to return to the same location to get different quests, it will make them seem a lot more important because you are "on a mission" rather than running around, trying to just complete everything in the city. And, like Lancifer said, don't always fast travel everywhere, although don't rule it out. If you simply forgot something you needed to do (like you forgot to sell off some heavy warhammer or something) then just fast travel to the nearest smith and sell it. When looting and gold get in the way of the story and immersion, it's safer to just get it done with as quickly as possible.

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Cat Haines
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