really need muffle enchant
really need muffle enchant
Shrouded? No, you'll either have to join the DB or destroy it.
You want to look for Boots of Muffling. They are random loot or any shop / blacksmith.
Besides you can't disenchant the Shrouded gear anyway.
oh so im leve 22 does that mean i will never find them ?
That is true. They should start showing up at level 11. The best way to ensure you get a set, is to start hitting the Blacksmiths as soon as you hit level 11 and try to get the Steel boots of Muffle.
There is still a chance, but it's only about 5% at level 22.
No, just look in every shop or Khajiit caravan you pass, eventually you should run across some.
Actually, I think Waterbreathing-Muffle is most common from 8-20. But virtually nonexistent 30+.
If you're really hell-bent on getting it, just keep fast traveling between shops at around level 10. They should pop eventually.
The muffle, water breathing, and the poison / disease immunity becomes less and less likely to get the further you go.
I think that's a load of skeever dung, but it is what it is. Because of this idiotic way of handling the mechanic, one can literally play for a year, across many different characters and never see any of them.