Hey everybody,
I'm not sure if this was a bug or if it was something that happened cause of my crime statistics. I mule a lot of loot to the whiterun blacksmith and belethors shop. Other then that i am a new Dark Brotherhood member with 3 murders so far, i think i only have 1-2 tresspasses. But i have 24 stolen marks against me because of weird loot behavior. I dont go into houses or anything like that to steal, i only loot from barrows and bandit hideouts. But i will see stuff in my inventory flagged as stolen. I think that there is a bug where if you put something in a container and tell your follower to loot the container whatever they grab will flag as stolen. But i have items getting flagged that are just being picked up on shelves and tables. I have 600 iron arrows and it is flagged as stolen and i know i only ever loot those from bandits or tabletops in bandit hideouts or burial sites.
Anyways my main concern is why are stores locking their doors when i leave? they arent dead cause i will pick the lock, go back inside and they will be in there.