So I'm coming extremely close to finishing a mod I've been working over half a year on. Although I've been wanting feedback on three specific abilities. I just want to make sure all three of these abilities are of roughly equal power. These are the one day a use powers, not spammable abilities, and your character can only have one of these three.
Berne Adrenaline Rush: Regenerate Stamina rate 85, fortify sneak 95 for 60 seconds.
Quarra Berserking: Take 30% less damage deal 30% more physical damage for 60 seconds.
Aundae Focus Casting: Fortify magicka 450, fortify destruction 28%, regenerate magicka rate 85 for 60 seconds. On top of all of this, the Aundae have a special health drain spell that is twice as powerful as the other two vampires. With this all taken into account, do all three abilities sound like they are of relatively equal ability? On one physical damage would be underpowered if it didn't do a bit more damage than magical damage, but on one hand, no equivalent of smithing exists for magic, and berserking reduces damage taken as well. So anyways, tell me, do you think Aundae Focus casting is fine where it's at, or that it needs a slight buff, or maybe a slight nerf?
A more direction question is: Considering the context of all this, what percentage do you think I should put fortify destruction at for the Aundae ability? Does 28% sound good?