Hey all,
I randomly came across this bug and can't seem to get rid of it. Essentially, it's a series of very large flickering artifacts that begins immediately as soon as the area loads (I have had issues with artifacting 3D assets in the main menu, but haven't had that problem in awhile). Looking around causes some to disappear and others to appear. Most of the artifacts stay in place and do not move along with the camera (though I have seen one or two do that). The issue is immediate, constant, and makes the game completely unplayable for any amount of time.
I did not change anything hardware-wise or with Skyrim between now and the last time the game played with no issues.
I have tried reinstalling Skyrim several times.
I have tried clean uninstalling and reinstalling my GPU drivers.
I disabled and removed all mods.
I have tried both max and minimum graphics settings.
Skyrim is the only game I have artifacting issues with.
Furmark runs fine with no issue.
I have tried CrossfireX on and off, no change.
GPU temperatures at load are always below 50C.
I have the following PC.
Intel i7 930 stock speed
12 gigs of Mushkin Radioactive RAM
Dual AMD 5970 graphics cards (CrossfireX) Watercooled
Here are screenshots of the issue (I can't seem to figure out how to embed images):
I'd really appreciate any kind of help.