» Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:06 pm
Anyways, thxs for the info, will be adding it to the STEP wiki sooner or later as an example, the map markers and the perpetually updating code. Would be best if there was a source for your observation; ill get around to forum sifting as well. Ill ask on the SKSE thread if anyone has considered a fix/ workaround for this.
Regarding sticky scripts, is it possible to stop a script running by forcing a cell reset? For example, If a player adds an object in a cell to a container, lets say a sword in a dungeon, that has a script attached, would then forcing that cell to reset remove the offended object also halt the script from running as well? Or does the script continue even if the object is removed?
Going on topic, I have observed that the specific location (guardian stone descent towards waterfall towards Riverwood) requires one of the largest amounts of RAM and VRAM allocation while playing. Only whiterun and riften come close for me, but that Riverwood location still beats them by a margin of about +200MB. Its usually the peak values for RAM and VRAM allocation on the graphs when using SPM and GPUZ/ task manager. Its also a crash/ freeze frequent area for me if i have pushed skyrim over the edge.
This makes me suspect its also possible to CTD and/ or freeze here because your computer cannot handle that area because its so intense. Being able to avoid CTDs while observing the floor and running would also lend some credibility to this observance, since you reduce the textures needed. So if removing RW or any other offending mod mentioned here does not help, try to reduce the number of hi-res texture mods, or lower graphics settings, such as ugrids value if its above default. Lowering resolution of texture mods will have the biggest effect on RAM and VRAM allocation though.