Arch-Curate Vyrthur wrote the prophecy embedded in not one, not 2, but THREE elder scrolls....... Explain this to me!
Arch-Curate Vyrthur wrote the prophecy embedded in not one, not 2, but THREE elder scrolls....... Explain this to me!
Shouldn't this be in the Spoiler subsection of the forum?
But apparently I didn't pay much attention during the Dawnguard questline if I didn't hear that!
In the end of the Main Quest in Oblivion, Our character hears "When the next Elder Scoll is written, You will be its Scribe.". In Morrowind during the beginning sequence, We are given a quote from Zurin Arctus "Without the Hero, there is no event".
Every prophecy is embedded in the Elder Scrolls, it is just that most of the prophecies lack Playerborns to bring them into happening.
That's the fun part I just learned recently. The prophecies are written by the players actions (Contained within TES games MQ's and DLC) so there is no prophecy beforehand, it is developed over time and follows on the heels of player actions. The prophecy about Alduin was never foretold (They don't come into being at the beginning) but rather developed over time and wrapped up in Skyrim. Talk about a mind *BLEEP*.
I think he just created the 'myth' idea that Lord Harkon crazily followed... Not the Elder Scrolls themselves. The scrolls themselves are more written as specific actions are taken place by specific heroes.
The Elder Scrolls know everything before they even exist.
And then they don't because it was actually to the left and side-ways in a pool of air filled with acorns.
He was a High Priest of Auriel. Probably had some funky magics going on. Truthfully, I'm not sure one can actually write on. There should be another explanation.
I'm under the impression that Elder Scrolls, being fragments of creation, know everything all at once in all time and space, and that certain events or relevancy bring things to the forefront.
So Vyrthur made the prophecy, and the Elder Scrolls can yield that data just by existing because they know everything in all time and space.
Basically, they're not scrolls as in "stuff you read on parchment", they're portals or ciphers, giving you a glimpse into the fabric/workings of existence itself and everything within.
Well, as previously stated in the topic, stuff doesn't happen unless there's a hero messing with things. So I should probably rephrase that to "they see all possibilities in all of time and space at the same time". The hero is a catalyst.
Though it should be noted that Vyrthur wasn't just some dude, he "had the ears of a god". And it certainly doesn't help that the Dawnguard MQ has had its fair share of stupid inconsistencies...
No-one can re-write the Elder Scrolls, not even a god.
But the future is not fixed, not written in stone. What people choose matters.
So when Vyrthur created a prophesy and spread it into the world other people heard about it and started believing in it.
They started acting in a way as to fulfill the prophesy and so it did. Thus, the Scrolls started reflecting this changed future.
It was a self-fulfulling prophesy.
It's a universe of possibilities and parallel "what if" realities, even if the difference between two of them, would be a butterfly, landing on this plant, instead of the other, next to it. The Elder Scrolls, see through all of them. One can only imagine what a Moth Priest has to go through, in his attempt to read one of them.
That been said, once Vyrthur figured out how to have his payback against Auri El, a very possible "what if" reality was created, seen through the Elder Scrolls. Creating a prophecy and letting it loose, was the bait for someone with a mutual interest, to look at it: someone like Harkon.
If you want to take it even farther you can say the Elder Scrolls can see into everyone's alternate game realities (In essence these are the parallel worlds of the Elder Scrolls). Thus every player is writing different probabilities within their own game world. Whether the sun is blotted out by blood cursed arrows or Harkon destroyed is up to the player within their own game or games along with every other potential action the myriad of players and personalities create.
So by your actions you ARE creating your own realities.
Arch-Curate Vyrthur isnt a mere human he is arch curate of auriel and also a vampire something like a demigod and dont forget the snow elf magic