Hello everyone, this is my first post here so excuse me if I am writing this in the wrong topic.
I have recently bought Skyrim Legendary Edition and I made a new character. As I played on my brothers Steam account with Skyrim on it, my character didn't save, so I had to make a new one. (obviously xD) So I made a new character and I just wanted to try out the DLCs as fast as possible, because my brother didn't have the DLCs. ANYHOW, I am doing the Dawnguard-pack and I have joined up with the Vampires, the mission is to get 3 elderscrolls. I have gotten 2 so far, and I am trying to get the 3rd Elder Scroll, which is:
Elder Scroll (Dragon)
BUT, here is the problem: The Elder Scroll is part of the main quest, and I hadn't really done the mainquests, but I went to do it anyways cause I really wanna go further with the vampires, I meet Septimus Signus cause that is what you have to do to get the scroll, and he tells me to go to some cave called Alfthand. I go there, but when I am going to enter a room to get further in the cave, my Skyrim closes. I restarted the game, changed graphics, deleted some saves, etc etc.. I realize I will have to cheat to get further, I do it and return to Septimus Signus. But I later realize I forgot to ask him about the scrolls and that stuff. And later on a quest, Septimus dies. And yea, that's what happened. I return to the Orc in the Winterhold Mages guild but he doesn't tell me anything. I checked on Skyrimwikia and everything, and to be able to get the scroll, I have to return to the Alfthand cave... But as I wrote, I can't because my Skyrim automatically closes. What am I supposed to do? I tried to use (player.additem *and the scroll code) but it doesn't work, I don't get anything in my inventory.. maybe I am using the wrong code... What can I do to get the Elder Scroll (Dragon)? Please, anyone.. Help me!
(Sorry for Wall of Text)