An aggravated party venting.

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:25 am

Well I decided to go back to 360 and wander Skyrim to sell off my excess gem hoard and what happens... I'm halfway from Markarth to Rorikstead approximately. I've increased my skill level to expert even though I leganderized my one hand and light armor but I have chaos enchant on my sword so 71 + 35 fire/frost/shock.

I am on horseback, killed an orc who had some good loot, a sabrecat and a couple of wolves. Just taking a leisurely night ride and what happens.

I freeze at an outdoor loading screen. :swear: I immediately turned the game off in disgust.

I had tested this months ago the last time I played and after clearing cache it seemed to clear it up.

Now I'm going to have to do it again and start saving after every danged encounter or re-enable auto saves.

Stupid patch 1.9! I never had a problem till it loaded.

I am NOT going to create another character just to get around this stupid freeze-up issue, I AM going to enjoy the character I created 2 years ago and have a good time even if it kills me.

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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:36 pm

I have never encountered this problem :/

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:47 am

I had something like this happen yedterday. I was in a dwemer ruin and it kept freezing when I got to a falmer area. It froze 10 times in the same place so restarted my xbox for the 11th time and saved just before the falmer area. it froze a few more times but I eventually passed it by sprinting through the area without killing any falmer. I couldnt turn back because it was a place where you drop far down into and have to complete the dungeon to escape.
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:04 am

what if you were try to USB storeage save and reload it onto the system after deleting original? I know you can do this on PS3. Maybe there will be a refresh to it.

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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:36 pm

Actually I am running off of USB storage. I have a hard drive but took the saves and DLC off the hard drive in case I wanted to start a vanilla character from scratch. Hmmmm. It actually SHOULD run better off of the hard drive. I'll go ahead and recopy the files back onto it and see if that helps. It's worth a shot anyway. Thanks for the idea.

It happened to me on Solstheim after I downloaded the patch. When trying to re-enter Ravenrock from the east I kept hitting a revered dragon outside the gate, it froze up on me several times during the fight with that thing. I finally made it through somehow and returned to Skyrim where I cleared cache after a tip from another forumite.

It never freezes up on me inside a dungeon fortunately, only at outdoor loading screens.

Edit: At least so far .....

Yep, I'm glad I added that disclaimer. After Sophie gave me a necklace I spoke to her and gave her a dress and what happened? You guessed it! At least I had just walked into Breezehome and wasn't out and about. Still, I've probably lost her beautiful gift. The girl spoils me.

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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:10 am

When I'm outdoors, I like to save every 2-10 minutes. I know exactly what that's like. I was just traveling on the roads a long time ago when my game froze. I lost 30 min of discovering locations...
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